
Engine Management

We've all heard that idiom "don't sweat the small stuff." Well, the engine is the largest part of your car and is one of those small things you don't want to neglect. Modern engines are more fuel-efficient than ever before, but they also require a lot more maintenance than they used to. The technology behind them has also changed so dramatically that you can't just start off on your own — we’ve got your back with these tips for achieving ultimate performance.

Tyres Fitted and Balances

Did you know that if you have your tyres fitted at a garage rather than by an independent garage, it could cost up to 50 times the cost of what we can do? Tyres with low pressure or even no pressure (sometimes called a "flat tyre") are dangerous as they can lead to loss of control, prevent your car from driving on a road or cause an injury if they come into contact with another driver or pedestrian.

Suspension Repair

Green Motors provides a wide range of car suspension and shock absorber services, including standard shock absorbers, gas shocks, heavy-duty shock absorbers for 4x4 and commercial vehicles and air adjustable shock absorber units and also ensure regular examination by an expert vehicle service technician to verify the proper working of all suspension and steering components.

Brakes Service

Don't risk the safety of you and your car with faulty brakes. Bring your vehicle to your local Green Motor Service Centre for brake repairs and servicing. We diagnose and replace brake pads, fluid flush and rotors/drums resurfaced. If you have any problems, or notice changes in your vehicle’s braking performance, come in and see us!


Get an itinerary car service and keep your car running well and reduce the risk of any unexpected breakdowns or repairs down the track. Green motor offer comprehensive car repairs, quality car services and advice at great prices.


Experience the safety with Advance designed green motor's seat belt incorporated with third generation suspension and pre tension which will turn down the likelihood of death or serious injury in a traffic collision by reducing the force of secondary impacts with interior strike hazards.

Diagnostic Check

When Do You Need A motor Diagnostic? Warning lights-If your car is experiencing any of the following issues

  • Difficult starting Intermittent or occasional stalling of the engine
  • Engine misfires shakes or sounds “rough”
  • Loss of performance and slow or sluggish acceleration
  • Poor fuel economy

We help you unveil any problems with your vehicle and get back out on the road safely.


Automotive airbags were designed to save lives and can reduce 50% of passenger injuries in a car accident by pushing the occupants' contact with the interior of the vehicle with the correct deployment.


The lighting system of a motor vehicle consists of lighting and signalling devices mounted or integrated at the front, rear, sides, and in some cases the top of a motor vehicle. They illuminate the roadway ahead for the driver and increase the vehicle's visibility, allowing other drivers and pedestrians to see its presence, position, size, and direction of travel, and its driver's intentions.Inadequate lighting can make it difficult for a driver to see and for their vehicle to be seen at night. However, lights which are too bright, incorrectly fitted or poorly aligned can be just as dangerous.If you want to use cosmetic lighting to make your vehicle stand out, take the time to get it right – and avoid hassles later on!